Jonathan Yuwono

President Commissioner
Age 35 years old
Citizenship Indonesian
Legal Basis of Appointment GMS May 23, 2017
Educational Background
2004 Bachelor of Arts Economics from University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Career History
2008 up to present Director of PT Kharisma Indah Ekaprima
2010 up to present Director of PT Jeje Yutrindo Utama
2010 up to present Director of PT Asia Prima Packaging
2012 up to present Director of PT Freshindo Marketama
2017 up to present President Commissioner at PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk


Ludwig Indrawan

Vice President Commissioner
Age 61 years old
Citizenship Indonesian
Legal Basis of Appointment GMS May 22, 2014
Educational Background
1976 Obtained CAR degree from Prahran (Victoria) College, Melbourne
Career History
1978 -1982 Started his career in Challick Pte Limited, Singapore
1992 – 2007 Ran a property development business in New Zealand and Australia under Stags Leap and Smart Homes Group
2007 up to present Managing Director of PT Smart Homes Anugrah in Surabaya
2013 – present Vice President Commissioner of PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk
Afiliated Entity


Thong T. Sennelius

Age 42 years old
Citizenship Indonesian
Legal Basis of Appointment GMS May 22, 2014
Educational Background
1994 Bachelor Degree from Trisakti University, Jakarta
1997 Master of Business Administration from Harvard University
Career History
1997 – 2002 Vice President of Morgan Stanley, New York and Singapore
2002 – 2005 Director of Synergy Capital Partners, Jakarta
2006 – 2011 Director of PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk
2009 up to present Director of PT Ciptadana Capital
2009 up to present Commissioner of PT Ciptadana Multifinance
2006 up to present Commissioner of PT Sekawan Abadi Prima
2006 up to present Director of PT Jaring Lintas Indonesia
2011 up to present Commissioner of PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk
Afiliated Entity


Muhammad Senang Sembiring

Independent Commissioner
Age 62 years old
Citizenshipx 62 years old
Legal Basis of Appointment GMS May 22, 2014
Educational Background
1993 Bachelor of Economics from Labora School of Management, Jakarta
1999 Master of Management from Labora School of Management, Jakarta
Career History
1974 -1976 Sailor Brokerage & Management Co.
1976 – 1986 General Manager of PT Aqmar Oil Service
1988 – 1990 Marketing Director of PT Indotrim Hung Yuan Securities
1990 – 1991 Senior Marketing Director of PT Bank Pelita
1991 – 1995 Marketing Director of PT Arya Prada Sekuritas
1995 – 2000 Marketing Director of PT Mitra Investdana Sekurindo
2000 – 2002 President Director of PT Mitra Investdana Sekurindo
2002 – 2007 Trade and Membership Director of Jakarta Stock Exchange
2011 up to present Independent Commissioner of PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk
Afiliated Entity


Harry M. Zen

Independent Commissioner