Legal Consultant

Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung
Gedung BRI II 23rd Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 44-46
Jakarta 10210, Indonesia
T +62 21 574 4010
F +62 21 574 4670

STTD : No. 531/BL/STTDKH/2008
Membership of Associations : No. 200817
Letter of Appointment : 048/DIR-STP/X/2014 dated October 23, 2014

Duties and functions of Legal Consultant are in accordance with the professional standards and prevailing capital market regulations in order to implement transparency principle, namely to perform due diligence on fact about the Company. Results of the examination is published in the Due Diligence Report containing explanation on the Company from a legal perspective which will become the basis and an integral part of the Legal Opinion given objectively and independently in accordance with the code of conduct, professional standards, and the prevailing market regulations.



Rini Yulianti, S.H.
Jl. H. Naman Raya No. 31
Pondok Kelapa
Jakarta 13450
T +62 21 864 1170

STTD : No. 90/BL/STTD-N/2007
Membership of Associations : Based on Information Letter No. 06/Angg-INI/PD-Jak-Tim/XI/2010
dated November 2, 2010
Letter of Appointment : 048A/DIR-STP/X/2014 dated October 23, 2014

Duties and functions of Notary are in accordance with the prevailing Code of Ethics of Notary, namely to create deeds on Minutes of Company General Meeting of Shareholders and agreements related to PUT II, based on Notary Regulations and Code of Ethics of Notaries as well as to attend meetings on the discussion regarding PUT II, except meetings on finance, pricing, and marketing strategies.

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